Y. Fred Stephenson

Passports & Nationality: Canadian and Thailand

Current Residency: Toronto, Canada

Date of Birth: February 2007

October 12, 2024. 2 Birdies & 75.
October 13, 2024. 4 Birdies & 74.

2025 Winter Training in Toronto at 6ix Iron Indoor Golf

January 28, 2025 @ the 6ix
February 6, 2025
February 11, 2025
February 6, 2025

Education Plan

  1. GED Completed at 17 Years old in August 2024
  2. Start College Diploma Level Courses January 2025 @ 17 Years old

Accepted to George Brown College: Business Finance Program (B133) 

  1. Play Ontario U 19 Golf Tournaments Summer 2025 @ 18 Years 
  2. Red Shirt Academic only at GBC Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 @ 1 8 – 19 Years
  3. Start NCAA College Golf Fall 2026 @ 19 Years. Start Year 1 Bachelor’s Degree after transfer from GBC College Diploma Program. 
George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario: Business – Finance Program (B133)

TJGGA Junior Golf Talent - Thailand: November 23-24, 2024

3 Birdies
1 Eagle! 75.5 Scoring Average for 2 Day Event
November 24, 2024: 4th Place
November 23: Well Played My Friend!
75.5 @ 4th Place @ 17 = On Track. Tough Course BTW.

Singha-Krungthai Junior Golf Ranking - Thailand: October 12 - 13, 2024

  • Second Place
  • 74.5 Scoring Average
  • 6 Birdies over 2 rounds
October 12 & 13, 2024: 17 Years Old
October 13, 2024
October 13, 2024
October 12, 2024
October 13, 2024

California Summer 2024: (82,78,74,72,77,70,77,75,71) = 75.11 Scoring Average 9 Rounds

Click on Pictures for Links to BlueGolf Leaderboards and Player Stats

1st Competition USA!
2nd Tournament USA!
2nd Tournament Leaderboard
IPGA Team from American School of Bangkok
Driving Range Udon Thani, Thailand
Country Boy to California! 😉
3rd Competition USA!
3 Day Stats
Summary of Scores by Par Type
Player Stats: T6 Most Par Breakers & Rank #1 Par 3 Holes
FCG Has been a Great Experience!
T 14 / 53 : July 8 & 9, 2024
6 Birdies Day 2 & 9 Birdies over 2 Days
T5 Most Par Breakers & Par 3s. 7 Birdies on Par 3s in last 5 Rounds.
July 2024
July 2024
July 2024

TGA-SINGHA Junior Golf Ranking April 4 - 7, 2024

Round 1 = 5 birdies but +7. Take the good with the bad. Learn from mistakes.

TGA-SINGHA Junior Golf Ranking January 20 - 21, 2024

January 21, 2024
January 21, 2024
January 21, 2024
5th Place 18 and Under: Tied best round of the Day 2 @ 77
Fitter with Phil
Phil and Fred ;-)CNX Fitting Studio BKK is top notch. September 2022.
Freddie is a lot like his Great Grandpa Peter. June 2023.
CNX Fitting Studio BKK. June 2023.

Junior Golf International: 23 December 2023

80 & 80 = 6th Place Individual Rounds
December 2023
December 2023
December 2023
December 2023

Working with Coach Shane Gillespie Since December 2022

Freddie has been working closely with Coach Shane Gillespie since December 2022. 

Location: American School Bangkok

American School Bangkok has recently sent golfers to Division I NCAA including Oklahoma State and Ohio State Universities

Love the Trackman
Prof. Ted, Shiv Kapur, Freddie, Shane, IPGA Physiotherapist

Mini Camp in Udon Thani

August 14 – 17 2023, Freddie and two friends worked with Coach Shane. Friend subsequently passed Thailand PGA Qualifying School October 20, 2023. Coaching has had excellent results. 

Vicotry Golf Course August 17, 2023
October 20, 2023

Chang Thailand Junior Golf Clinic 2023 - Level II: 24 - 26 November 2023

Chang Thailand Junior Golf Clinic 2022 - Level I: 22-23 October 2022

Coach Shane has been involved with Chang Camps for over 14 years. Notable alumni from this and similar Program Camps include Patty Tavatanakit who in 2024 won the Aramco Saudi Ladies International and the Honda LPGA Thailand 2024 on February 25, 2024. 

February 20, 2024: Patty & Coach Shane
February 18, 2024: $750,000 1st Place
February 25, 2024 Patty is 1st: $255,000. Nice week Patty!

Past Tournaments

TGA-SINGHA Junior Golf Ranking June 17 & 18, 2023

June 17 and 18, 2023. 77 & 72 = 74.5 Scoring Average
8 Birdies over 2 Rounds
1st Round 3rd. 2nd Round Withdraw Food Poison ;-(

Chang Thailand Junior Golf Circuit National Championship: September 2022

Placed 7th: 78,74,71. First Competitive Round < Par. 74.33 Scoring Average.
September 2022. Met Shane Gillespie Saturday 24 September.

Tournaments Before Covid

September 5 & 6, 2020: Khao Yai Golf Club

September 5 & 6, 2020: Khao Yai Golf Club: Shot 76 & 76
September 5 & 6, 2020: Khao Yai Golf Club: B Boy 6,866 Yards
13 Years Old

August 15 & 16, 2020: Singha Park Khon Kaen Golf Course

2nd round +2, 74 was the best round of the day. 4 Birdies on weekend. (79 + 74) / 2 = Scoring average = 76.5. 74 was his best round of the summer.
3rd Place and a little Trophy
B Boy = 7,084 Yards
13 Years Old

July 18 & 19, 2020: Singha Park Khon Kaen Golf Course

Round 1 = 86 and 8th
Round 2 = 80 and finished 4th Overall

Started the season with an 86 and 80 and finished fourth. Scoring average = 83. Bought a new putter and did well next tournament 😉. “We supply everything but guts”.

Grade 11 Essays

What is your favorite quote from a movie, book or a line from a song or poem? Please name the movie, poem or song, and tell us what it
means for you.

One of my favorite quotes is from the movie “Green Book”: “Whatever you do, do it a hundred percent.” This quote reminds me to give my all in everything I do. being fully committed and devoted.

“Green Book” is based on the true story of an African American classical and jazz pianist, Don Shirley, and his Italian American driver and bodyguard, Tony Vallelonga, during a concert tour in the 1960s segregated. The quote is said by Tony Vallelonga he said “my father used to say everything you do, do it a hundred percent.” “When you work, work.“ “when you laugh, laugh.” “When you eat, eat like it’s your last meal.”.

Another quote from the movie is “there is a lot of lonely people afraid to make the first move”. This quote said by Tony Vallelonga to advise Don Shirley to reconnect with his brother because he is afraid to reconnect to his brother. This quote teaches me to not be afraid to try new things.

There is also another quote that I like but I don’t know where it’s from the quote is “if you never try, you will never know” is a reminder to try new things. It tells me take chances and explore new things This quote teaches me to be brave, curious, and willing to learn from new adventures.

The last quote that I like says “The only real mistake is from which we learn nothing” this quote teaches me to not be afraid of mistakes, but learn from the mistakes. If your not afraid you will have more chances to try new thing.

In the end, what really matters isn’t the quotes, but how we act and think. We should concentrate on ourselves and always do our best without being afraid.

Aside from books or articles assigned for school, what book(s), article(s), podcast(s), and or documentary(s) have you
most enjoyed in the past year and why?

The book that I enjoyed in the past year is Dark Psychology by Dr.Hiro. This book explains how to read people thru their behavior and body language. also explains how the best sellers can sell normal stuff for expensive prices.

The reason I choose this book is because it an interesting. this book explains how to read people thru their behavior and also explains how the best sellers can sell normal stuff for expensive prices. This book teaches me to be aware of sellers. Also how to be good speaker and listener.

One of the best things that I learned from this book is Mehrabian rule or seven-thirty eight-fifty five rule. Mehrabian shows that when people communicate feelings, what they say (words) only contributes seven percent to how much others like them. The tone of their voice
contributes thirty eight , and facial expressions contribute the most at fifty five. So, nonverbal cues like tone and facial expressions play a
bigger role in how likable someone appears during emotional communication.

Dr. Hiro says it’s important to stay relaxed to become a good speaker. He advises practicing in real situations and learning from mistakes. This advice isn’t just for speaking it applies to everything, like golfing too.

This book showed me how important it is to listen well. Dr. Hiro says that to be a good speaker, you have to be a good listener too. So, being a good listener means really focusing on what the speaker is saying and interacting with them.

“Dark Psychology” by Dr. Hiro gives useful tips on understanding how people behave, interpret body language, and spot persuasive selling techniques. It helps readers learn how to read others better and stresses the importance of being a good communicator by both speaking and listening attentively.

Describe EITHER an academic/extracurricular achievement OR a challenge that had a meaningful impact on you.
What did it take to accomplish the achievement or overcome the challenge and what did you learn from that

My extracurricular achievement is having a better golf swing. The reason that i choose having a better swing is because I used to have a bad swing, and the bad swing caused me back injuries and a sore thumb and also inconsistency with up and down golf scores.

Before I change my swing I was practicing with another coach, he was a nice coach but he didn’t teach properly. he likes to try new things but not the right things. this all happened after I graduated lower secondary and started GED, I started GED to practice more with the other coach, but, the more I practiced the worse it gets for both my swing and my body.

The reason I started changing my swing is because I was disappointed from my first Chang golf clinic camp. The Chang golf clinic camps have four levels the first one is Fundamental, I was expecting to pass the first camp because I thought that my swing was not that bad and my score was pretty good. After the camps end they also report who will pass to the second level. The result was that I did not pass to the second level, and after the report I was very disappointed so I said to my parents that I wanted to change my swing.

Luckily my dad knows a coach from the Chang junior golf circuit and he also teaches in Chang camp level four. I started with Coach Shane Gillespie from December 2022 until now.

After I started changing my swing. Before I change my swing I used to shoot a good score but when I started fixing my swing I couldn’t even hit to one-hundred yards. It took me 7 months before I could play on the course.the first time I play on the course after 7 months I was disappointed I couldn’t play as well as when I practiced on the range and before I change my swing. After I talked to my coach I figured out that I did not line up properly, It took me one week to line up properly. But I still couldn’t hit as good as before so I practice more on course then my score starting to get better till I shoots in the seventies.

What I’ve known from changing my swing is that the quotes that said practice makes perfect is not truly correct but the truly correct is perfect practice makes perfect.

Each person has unique characteristics that define who they are. Choose three words that best describe you as a
person, and explain how they represent you.

The best three words that describe me are Intuitive, Feeling and Perceiving the reason I choose these words is because I got it from the personality test.

First, Intuitive. I choose intuitive because I seem to understand people easily without needing lots of explanation. “Intuitive” refers to something that’s easy to understand without thinking too hard. It’s like having a gut feeling or instinctive understanding based on what you already know or have experienced before.

Second, Feeling. The reason I choose Feeling is because I tend to make decisions based on personal values and how I might affect others. I care about empathy, kindness, and making sure everyone gets along. I pay attention to others emotions and often trust my gut feelings when deciding things. “Feeling” refers to how people make decisions and think about things. Instead of just using logic, feelers focus on personal values, emotions, and empathy.

Third, Perceiving. The reason I choose Perceiving is because I adapt to new environments easily. I enjoy trying out new ideas. I might take some time before making decisions because I want to gather all the information. I usually okay without having all the answers and enjoy adapt to changes. “Perceiving” refers to how people make decisions, perceivers are more likely to be flexible, adaptable, and spontaneous.

From what l have described, it’s clear that I’m someone who is lively, creative, and enjoys being social, finding fulfillment in connecting with others.


“One should win anger through kindness, selfishness through charity, and falsehood through truthfulness.”
This spirit of tolerance and understanding has been from the beginning one of the most cherished ideals of Buddhist culture and civilization. Violence in any form, under any pretext whatsoever, is absolutely against the teaching of the Buddha.
“Never by hatred is hatred appeased, but it is appeased by kindness. This is an eternal truth.”